リショウ インスタントコーヒー 2缶 Lishou Instant Coffee Strong(2cans)(2缶)Lishou Instant Coffee Strong 30pcs 10g each.Discount for multiple purchase!!!Available more than 10 cans!!!Product Ingredients:Lotus, Bitter Orange, TuckahoeBenefits:• Reduce 2-3kg in just a week.• Reduce waist-line, abdomen, buttocks, arms & thighs• No diarrhea• No dehydration• No negative side effects to your healthDirections:•Drink after breakfast, once daily•Dont skip mealPrecautions:* Not for pregnant nor breastfeeding women.* Not for people who has history of stroke, with heart problems.* Palpitation to any strong coffee.Note: it will be shipped out of the can.缶から取り出しの発送となります!ご了承下さい.よろしくお願いします。#LishouCoffee #Lishou